

July 2024
As summer unfolds and we prepare for fall semester, we are delighted to share an update on Budget Reform. Our dedicated team has been diligently working on the Hybrid Allocation Model. The Executive Steering Committee has finalized all model mechanics and we have shifted from model design to the implementation phase. Here’s what you need to know:
1.    Hybrid Allocation Model Update:
  •  You can find information about the budget model on our website. Additionally, you’ll find an infographic summarizing the key elements of the model.
2.    Hybrid Allocation Model Timeline:
  •  We remain on track to utilize the model for FY26 budget development. Explore our implementation roadmap here.
3.    Acknowledgments:
  •  Executive Steering Committee: We are profoundly grateful for your leadership and support. Your guidance, endorsement, and decision making have been crucial in getting us to this point.
  •  Deans and College and Non-College Leadership: Thank you for your time and feedback, which has been instrumental in shaping the budget model.
  • Budget Advisory Committee: We would like to extend our deepest gratitude for your valuable input and partnership throughout this process.

4.    Looking Ahead: Our plan is to engage, inform, and support campus during the transition to the Hybrid Allocation Model. To that end we are scheduling model deep dive meetings with colleges and non-colleges throughout the summer and fall. Stay tuned for updates as we plan a fall Budget Reform Town Hall.

5.    Resources:

  • We encourage you to visit the Budget Reform website regularly for updates and information.
  •  Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team at
Thank you for your continued support and commitment to the budget reform initiative!
The Budget Reform Team
May 2024 - Workday Adaptive Planning

Workday Adaptive Planning Users, 

Thank you for joining our What’s New with Dashboards? webinars last week. Please log into Workday Adaptive Planning to view the updated Dashboards.  

Need Dashboard Help? 

Reach out to Cassandra Myles, Financial Planning Manager, for 1:1 assistance. Cassandra can demonstrate new Workday Adaptive Planning Dashboards and answer your questions about Workday Adaptive Planning.  

What’s New with Dashboards? Resources 

Additional Resources 

Below are several resources to help you get started using the Workday Adaptive Planning tool: 



              The use of Workday Adaptive Planning is limited to financial and budget employees with responsibility for planning, and your participation is contingent upon your access/security role. Click here to learn more about Workday Adaptive Planning Security. If you believe you received this email in error, please let us know. 

              Visit the Budget Reform site for more details and to ask questions: 


              Thank you, 

              Workday Adaptive Planning Team 

              May 2024 - Workday Adaptive Planning

              Workday Adaptive Planning Users, 

              We are happy to share that Workday Adaptive Planning is now in production! You may now log in to view the updated Dashboards.  

              UPCOMING WEBINARS 

              Join Cassandra Myles, Financial Planning Manager, as she demonstrates new Workday Adaptive Planning Dashboards and answers questions about Workday Adaptive Planning. We value your participation, questions, and feedback and look forward to seeing you soon. You will receive Outlook calendar holds shortly. Each session is identical. Feel free to accept or decline whichever date/time works for you.  

              May 2024 
              What’s New with Dashboards?  Tues., May, 21 9-10 a.m. 
              What’s New with Dashboards?  Wed., May, 22 2-3 p.m. 



              Below are several resources to help you get started using the Workday Adaptive Planning tool: 



                          The use of Workday Adaptive Planning is limited to financial and budget employees with responsibility for planning, and your participation is contingent upon your access/security role. Click here to learn more about Workday Adaptive Planning Security. If you believe you received this email in error, please let us know. 

                          Visit the Budget Reform site for more details and to ask questions: 


                          Thank you, 

                          Workday Adaptive Planning Team 

                          September 2023 - Workday Adaptive Planning

                          September 2023 

                          Hi Workday Adaptive Planning User!

                          We have created this Outlook Group to keep you informed on all Adaptive Planning related communications and engagements.

                          The use of the Adaptive Planning tool is limited to financial and budget employees with responsibility for planning. Your participation in the Adaptive Planning training is contingent upon your access/security role. Click here to learn more about Adaptive Planning Security.

                          If you believe you received this email in error, please let us know.

                          ALL ABOUT TRAINING

                          Our training will equip you with the knowledge and abilities needed to leverage the tool for planning activities. We have ensured Adaptive Planning functionality is coupled with an understanding of key concepts and purpose through use case scenarios, and how this new planning tool fits within the overall Budget Reform Initiative.

                          We are providing multiple modalities of learning that will be available including instructor-led training (virtual and in-person), job aids, office hours, and special topic webinars to meet our campus’ needs.

                          Below are several resources to help you get started using the Adaptive Planning tool:


                          Training begins this month! Please visit the Adaptive Planning Training Website for additional training dates. Training sessions will be recorded and added to MediaSpace.

                          September 2023




                          Introduction to Workday Adaptive Planning

                          • Instructor-led (Virtual)
                          • Sandbox access

                          Adaptive Planning Users

                          Thurs., Sept. 21 10:00 -11:00 am

                          Dashboards 101

                          • Instructor-led (Virtual)
                          • Sandbox access

                          Adaptive Planning Users

                          Tues., Sept. 26 1:00 – 2:00 pm OR

                          Wed., Sept. 27 10:00 – 11:00 am

                          Please visit the Budget Reform site for more details and to ask questions:

                          Thank you,

                           Workday Adaptive Planning Team

                          September 2023

                          September 2023 Update


                          Workday Adaptive Planning training development continues to be a priority focus. We have ensured Adaptive Planning functionality is coupled with an understanding of key concepts and purpose through use case scenarios. It is critical that users understand how this new planning tool fits within the overall Budget Reform Initiative.

                          The use of the Adaptive Planning tool is limited to financial and budget employees with responsibility for planning. Your participation in the Adaptive Planning training is contingent upon your access/security role. Click here to learn more about Adaptive Planning Security.

                          Our training will equip Adaptive Planning users with the knowledge and abilities needed to leverage the tool for planning activities. We are providing multiple modalities of learning that will be available including instructor-led training (virtual and in-person), job aids, office hours, and special topic webinars to meet our campus’ needs.

                          We have provided several resources to help you get started using the Adaptive Planning tool:

                          Adaptive Planning Training Website – provides information such as Course Catalog and Training Matrix
                          Adaptive Planning ServiceNow page – hosts knowledge articles, job aids, security request form, and more
                          Budget Office MediaSpace – hosts recorded webinars and trainings

                          TRAINING SCHUDLE
                          Training begins this month! Please visit the Adaptive Planning Training Website for additional training dates. Training sessions will be recorded and added to MediaSpace.

                          Please visit the Budget Reform site for more details and to ask questions:

                          July 2023

                          July 2023 Update


                          For the past two months, the Budget Reform and Workday Adaptive Planning teams have continued to configure Workday Adaptive Planning to best fit Georgia Tech’s requirements and goals. We have created sheets, reports, dashboards, loaded budget and actuals data, and finalized our phased implementation approach to provide the best experience for campus users.

                          Most recently the team has begun User Acceptance Training (UAT) sessions. UAT sessions allow participants to test the software in the ‘real world’ by our Finance Professionals audience. A selected group of testers who have been granted access to Workday Adaptive Planning, have executed a list of given tasks testing security, functionality, and expectations, and provided feedback to the project team. Feedback from these testing sessions will inform configuration, enhancements, communications, and training.

                          To date, we have completed UAT for Dashboards with more sessions scheduled for July and August. 12 colleagues attended, representing units from across campus including Finance & Planning, Facilities, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Office of the Provost, Student Life, and our six colleges (College of Computing, College of Design, College of Engineering, College of Science, Ivan Allen College, and Scheller College of Business). General feedback has been positive and recommendations insightful.

                          One tester, Alan Harrison, college administrative officer for College of Design, remarked, “Thank you for allowing us to be a part of this, it really makes a difference in helping us adopt new technology.” Testing feedback is critical to the success of the Adaptive Planning implementation, and we appreciate everyone who volunteered to test.

                          Below is an example of an Institute-level dashboard illustrating the ‘Revenue by Budget Funding Source’ data via table, bar chart, and donut chart:


                          Workday Adaptive Planning user training is under development. Training sessions will include in-person and remote learning, recordings, and job aids. The course catalog and additional learning resources are being finalized based upon UAT sessions feedback.
                          An Introduction to Workday Adaptive Planning course will kick off additional training opportunities beginning in August. Details on specific offerings, intended audiences, and schedules will be provided in early August.

                          Month Activity
                          August 2023 Dashboards and Reports
                          September 2023 Bottom-up Budgeting and Personnel Planning
                          October 2023 New Expense Request Form (NERF)
                          November 2023 In-year Forecasting (Pilot Group)

                          Please visit the Budget Reform site for more details and to ask questions: 

                          June 2023

                          June 2023 Update


                          The Georgia Tech Budget Reform team and members of the Office of Information Technology (OIT) have been actively working to develop an enhanced budget planning process including the implementation of a cloud-based technology to support budget reform efforts. This tool, Workday Adaptive Planning, will enable our campus to leverage a collaborative approach to budgeting and planning.

                          In March, the core and extended teams participated in Requirements Gathering and Blueprint sessions. These sessions enabled financial leaders from each college and division to work on best business practices for a more robust future planning process. This cross-functional team laid the foundation for designing Workday Adaptive Planning functionality for Georgia Tech.

                          Workday Adaptive Planning enables collaboration on forecasting and budget planning between the central budget and planning office, divisions, and units. Adaptive Planning reduces the need to email shared Excel workbooks, increases transparency and sets the stage for more robust data driven decision making.

                          Our implementation roll-out will take a phased approach, with dashboards and reports available in August and scenario analysis in September:

                          The project team will continue to make decisions on Workday Adaptive Planning design and configuration, with testing taking place this summer. Campus training, which begins this fall, will meet different learning styles by offering multiple formats such as live instructor-led, recorded, job aids, and knowledge articles.

                          Keep an eye out for our next update which will include details on specific functionality and benefits. Please visit the Workday Adaptive Planning page for more details:

                          Stay Informed
                          • Visit our website for up-to-date information on the Budget Reform Project.
                          • Email us:

                          December 2023

                          October 2022

                          October 2022 Update

                          This month the Budget Office launched the FY2024 budget development cycle for Georgia Tech’s residential instruction.

                          This year’s launch included the release of two new tools: the Budget Guidebook and the Budget Development Template. The Budget Guidebook is a supplementary resource that provides details on all budget policies and processes at Georgia Tech. This resource is designed to aid in transparency of the budgeting process at Georgia Tech and is recommended for employees interested in learning more about the Institute’s budget. The Budget Development Template is a required exercise that all colleges will submit in place of the Form 2. Non-college units will submit the Form 2, as they did last year. All documents are available on the FY2024 Budget Development website. The deadline for submitting these forms to the Budget Office is Friday, December 2.

                          To support users, we have released the following training resources to the FY2024 Budget Development website and the Budget Reform website:

                          Budget Development Template Training Resources (Colleges Only):
                          • Budget Data and Reports Job Aid – This resource includes step-by-step instructions on how to pull the data and reports needed to fill out the information in the template.
                          • Budget Development Job Aid – This resource provides step-by-step guidance to help users complete the budget development template.
                          • Budget Development Overview (recording) – This recording provides a walkthrough of the budget development template, with guidance on how to navigate the template and input the required data and information.

                          Form 2 Training Resources (Non-Colleges Only):
                          • Budget Development Request Form 2 Training – This recording provides a walkthrough of the FY24 budget development Form 2 process.

                          Other Budgeting Resources (All):
                          • Budget Guidebook Job Aid – This resource provides context and guidance to help users read the Budget Guidebook.
                          • Budget Policy Deep Dive – This resource helps faculty and staff understand the policies that influence their budgetary requirements and resource allocations.
                          • Budget Development Upload User Guide – This resource provides step-by-step instructions on how to upload completed Budget Development Forms to the website.

                          For additional information and instructions regarding the FY2024 Budget Development Process, please refer to the memorandum from Jim Fortner, Vice President for Finance and Planning.

                          Stay Informed

                          • Be sure to visit our website for up-to-date information on the Budget Reform Project.
                          • Please reach out to us with any questions at!

                          Other Resources

                          Questions? Comments? Feedback?

                          Send us a message.

                          11 + 8 =